戦乱の幕開け・金鹿の学級 To War (Golden Deer)
(大広間 夕方)
Reception Hall | Afternoon
アロイス: 皆、聞け!すでに帝国軍は目前まで迫っている!
Alois: Listen up, everyone! The Imperial army is upon us.
If you can fight, pick up a weapon! Everyone else, hurry up and evacuate!
We have the goddess's protection on our side. We have nothing to fear. Victory will be ours!
カトリーヌ: Byleth、準備はできてるか?
Catherine: Professor. Are you ready?
Byleth: すぐに準備する Almost.
カトリーヌ: そうしてくれ。わかってるとは思うけど、今の状況は最悪だ。
Catherine: Well, hurry up. I don't need to tell you that the situation is dire.
We have some support troops from the local nobles, but the army we're facing is immense. No matter how you look at it, we're at a disadvantage.
To make matters worse, the enemy is being led by Edelgard. Do not underestimate how extraordinary her abilities are.
ヒルダ: あの子、もう戻ってきたんだー?まったく、せっかちよねー。
Hilda: She's back already? Talk about impatient!
クロード: このままじゃ我らが母校は粉微塵に消滅だ。みんな、戦闘準備にかかるぞ!
Claude: If we don't stop them, the academy will be destroyed. Prepare for battle, everyone!
リシテア: 急ぎましょう! わたしたちの手で、エーデルガルトの暴走を止めるんです!
Lysithea: We will stop Edelgard's rampage!
イグナーツ: そうですね、手強い相手ですがとにかく最善を尽くしましょう!
Ignatz: Our opponent is formidable, but if we work together, we will not fail.
ラファエル: うおおおお!オデはいつでも準備万端だぞおおお!
Raphael: Enough talking! Let's go!
マリアンヌ: ……主よ、どうか皆さんをお守りください。
Marianne: Dear Goddess… Please, protect us all…
フレン: わたくしも……皆さんと一緒に精一杯戦いますわ!
Flayn: I shall fight with all that I have. It is an honor to fight alongside each of you!
ヒルダ: 先生、クロードくん、誰も死なないようにしっかり仕切ってよねー?
Hilda: Professor, Claude… You'll lead the way, won't you? You won't let any of us fall, right?
クロード: やれやれ……レアさんに話を聞きたかったが案の定、それどころじゃなくなっちまった。
Claude: I wanted to talk to Rhea first, but as expected, that won't be possible.
What did she hope to accomplish at the Holy Tomb? What happened to you as a baby?
There are still so many things I need to know. The same goes for the real origin of the Crest Stones and the Heroes' Relics.
As for Seiros and Nemesis…just how much of their mythology is true?
Byleth: わからないことだらけだ We know so little.
クロード: だよなあ。こんなに疑問を抱えてちゃ、死んでも死にきれないっての。
Claude: It's true. But lucky for me, I refuse to die with so much still unknown.
Hey, Teach… All joking aside. Can we possibly survive this battle?
Choice 1: 何とかなる We'll find a way.
クロード: ま、最初から諦めてたら、運命の神にも愛想を尽かされちまうってもんだよな。
Claude: That's all we can do, right? If we gave up, the god of fate wouldn't be happy.
Choice 2: わからない I don't know.
クロード: おいおい、正直すぎんだろ!あんたがそんなんじゃ士気に関わるぞ?
Claude: Hey, now! I wasn't really looking for an honest answer. Honesty is bad for morale, Teach. You'd better cut that out.
クロード: 俺はこんなところで死ぬ男じゃあない。野望があるんだ。
Claude: I'm a lot of things, but I'm not the kind of man to just roll over and die in a place like this. I have my own ambitions to see to.
There are things…dreams…that I must see come to fruition.
And I've been thinking. I want you to see those dreams realized as well.
クロード: それに、フォドラ中の謎が待ってるんだぜ、俺に解き明かされんのをな。
Claude: On top of all that, there are still so many secrets out there, just waiting to be uncovered. We can't let that stand, can we?
So, Teach… No, scratch that. You're so much more. You're my ally and my friend.
Teach… Friend… None of those words quite capture what you've come to mean to me.
We may not be connected by blood, but I believe our bond goes deeper than that. Now that we know each other, our hearts are connected.
クロード: 俺たちがこの先、進む道を違えて、別れるようなことがあったとしても……
Claude: Even if our paths diverge and we're forced to say good-bye…
I know that we'll meet again. And so, for lack of a better word, I gratefully call you my friend, and I hold fast to the belief that this isn't it for us.
No matter who or what you really are, I'll always be on your side. You can't count on much in this world, but you can count on that.